Strong muscles support running performance

Those were the days when runners\’ coaches protected them from gaining muscle. Weight training was taboo. Modern methods, on the other hand, would not be possible without weight training, and athletes spend a lot of time in the gym as well as on the field or oval. However, weight training is not the prerogative of professionals and should be incorporated into the training plan of every running enthusiast.
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Focus is key

Not all muscle groups should be overloaded. The goal of running activity is essential. This is the goal you should aim for. If you are part of the sprint enthusiast group, then you will be doing full body strengthening. Moreover, it is relatively easy to focus on muscle mass. However, most runners would rather swallow a mile than perfect their top speed. At that point, really high muscle mass is not desirable; rather, strength and muscular endurance need to be developed. Let\’s look at weight training appropriate for endurance runners.
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The upper extremitiesare very important to running, although they may not seem so at first glance. More important than strength, however, is coordination and consistency with the running stride. Thus, strengthening the biceps, triceps, etc. is not a priority.
On the other hand, the core muscles, especially the abdominaland back muscles, are very important. If these muscles are weak, the runner will not be able to maintain proper posture and will often “lean” unnecessarily to the side when running, affecting the efficiency of the movement. Warming up before a run and incorporating abdominal and back exercises into that warm-up can help.
The muscles of the lower extremitiesare most important. Squatting will not hurt you, but it is much better to get a rubber expander and use it to partially strengthen your thigh muscles and buttocks. This will improve your endurance when you extend your stride.
As a result of strengthening the running area, the energy economy of the movement improves. As a result, the energy economy of running improves and injuries can be prevented.
1. exercise with body weight or rubber expanders
2. choose a series of repetitions (15-20)
3. warm up before beginning exercise
4. stretch thoroughly after each exercise
5. take a day off to recover.