Skype has bugs

The Russian Internet webzine Hi-tech mail makes only a very brief note. Mixed in with other news, it is written briefly as if it were a trivial matter. The bug affects macOS as well as Windows.
nápis skype
Experts “correctly” describe the problem as only being susceptible when updating DLLs (which is surprising since MacOS has no DLLs at all on this system and does not know it). DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library ( Dynamic Link Library), which is a fixed part of the Windows system. Thus, the hacker introduces the infected DLLand, when updating Skype, “seeds” your computer with it, unintentionally of course. Thus, the hacker has a completely free pass to your personal and corporate data.
When we contacted Microsoft, they again fudged their position on this serious flaw and the subsequent fix. While admitting the error, she also stated that it would take too much time and effort to fix. She said the entire version would have to be rewritten from scratch. She would rather release a completely new version of Skypethat does not contain the bug. Isn\’t this a rather interesting take on the whole issue: Skype
has been on the market since 2003 and is still very popular and used, although the number of users has been declining since 2013. This is more or less due to the requirements of the operating system. Indeed, online gamers in particular have stopped using itand have started using the less demanding TeamSpeak and Mumble.
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What is there to say about Microsoft\’s position? Probably nothing. But their attitude toward their customers is astounding, to say the least. Which customers? You say to yourself,but it\’s free. Yes, but if you want to use the additional features, you have to buy many of them together. So here\’s the customer.
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In any case, the gentlemen at Microsoft should reconsider their position and start caring about their users as well as their profits; Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, the creators of Skype, probably had many questions about this policy. They probably had a lot of questions about this policy. Wouldn\’t they?

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