New Benefit for Maternity – Maternity Allowance from February 1, 2018

With the changes to the Labor Law from this year, the Sickness Insurance Law was also amended at the same time.
Today, let\’s talk about the Paternitythat many dads have been waiting for. Already last year, payroll personnel were faced with many questionsfrom employees (new fathers) about when they would be able to take parental leave and spend the first weeks after the birth of their son or daughter with the mother,and consequently,take care of the child together.
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Fathers had to wait until this year as paternity benefits only began on February 1, 2018.
Fathers who are eligible for maternity benefits apply to their employer and set their own start date. The start date is calculated from the child\’s birth date plus 41 days.
Both employees and self-employed persons are entitled to this benefit if they are covered by sickness insurance. For employees in an employment relationship, this should not be a major issue. If the employee is in a continuous employment relationship and pays premiums, he or she is automatically covered by sickness insurance.
The problem arises in the case of performance and/or activity agreements. Both agreements have their own specific characteristics with respect to the payment of premiums. Performance agreements are insured up to a total amount of SEK 10,001, while activity agreements are usually insured from a total amount of SEK 2,500.
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With regard to self-employed persons and their entitlement to maternity benefits, they must have been voluntarily insured for at least three months. Self-employed persons shall apply to the social insurance office of the district in which they are registered.
The employee shall complete theApplication for Postpartum Care Benefit. This form can be found on the social insurance agency\’s website, on forms, and in the sickness insurance department. Payroll offices may also have these forms available in advance, so check with your employer first.
This paternity allowance was implemented prior to the stormy negotiations, in which the budgetary impact of the paternity allowance amounted to 600 to 800 million kronor per year. Tax payments would be reduced by up to 90 million kroner, the administration would swallow another 30 million kroner, computer software would be modified, and the employment office would have to hire new employees.
Despite these negative effects on the economy, the passage of the paternity tax was welcomed by many fathers, but some experts say it is pandering to the voters.