Meaning and purpose of TED TALKS

What is Ted Talks? What is the purpose of this portal? What is its mission in transporting ideas and what is its purpose in education? And has anyone become famous and popular simply by speaking at Ted conferences?
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Ted, or the meaning of these three words, etc.

Ted was originally an abbreviation for three words: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Today, we are more likely to see interpretations such as Thinker, Enarble, and Doer. Either way, as the meaning of the word suggests, it is about spreading ideas through an annual conference. But that\’s not all. Spreading ideas around the world through web platforms is very real. One of America\’s former presidents, Bill Clinton, knows this.

Ted is an idea that spread through short, influential conversations. Today, it focuses on essentially any topic, including science, politics, technology, and world affairs. Everything is presented in over 100 world languages!

Ted, or how, why, and where it all began?

As mentioned, it all started in 1984. The signatories of this idea were Richard Saul Worman and Harry Marks; since 1990, the message has not only been effective in the message, but there have been regular annual conferences dedicated to it. And since 2001, the web platform has been sponsored by media personality Chris Anderson. Thanks to him, Ted Talks became a public platform. Thus, in June 2006, several speeches were first published on the web. The first six shows that were published were seen by more than a million people within a few months, thus determining the purpose of the web platform.

It is not only conferences that are hosted; offers not only conferences, but also recordings of various performances, all available on the site. Video viewership is high. But that\’s not all! Other types of conferences, such as Ted Global and Ted Summit, are also held under this platform. The famous medical conference TEDMED also occupies an important place on this platform.
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Alternative ways to get and enjoy Ted Talks

Ted is an award-winning web platform, available for free on cell phones and tablets. Everything can also be installed on your device as a web app. Then you can access all the videos. You can also download interviews and play them in off mode. If you real sync your account, you can instantly access all your saved videos and viewing history.

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