Car Collections

I have a young son who loves cars. I am so glad that my son has a hobby because I know so many kids who sit in front of the computer all the time or play cell phone games or computer games. I am happy that my son has those hobbies. Plus, my friend, my son\’s father, collects cars and he is really cool. My partner has a really big car collection. He loved to collect small tin British cars and would bring back new cars from overseas on trips and vacations. When that partner showed me a really big display case of beautifully polished little cars, my jaw almost dropped in amazement.

Vzácné autíčko.

There were so many. I\’m an amateur and I don\’t know anything about them, but I thought to myself, even this beautiful, huge collection of cars must be worth a great deal of money. I then asked my partner if this was really worth it, and he said yes, not less. I was really surprised that he had really collected all this stuff. Of course, I also asked him how many of these cars he had. Then he told me there were about 2,000 or 2,500 cars.

Autíčko do sbírky.

He had all kinds of quality cars. New cars that you could still buy, beautiful cars that you can\’t buy anymore, really rare cars that cost 25,000 kronor a piece, he said. I was really shocked and thought that my partner would never give such a thing to my son. I was really shocked and thought that my partner would never give such a thing to his son, because of course he wanted it when he saw my collection of small tin cars. And my son got into the hobby, too, and soon he built a little display case and started putting his cars in it.