SWOT analysis and its use

SWOT analysis is an analytical technique used in strategic management. It is intended to evaluate internal and external influencing factors. It can be used to assess company-wide success. Alternatively, it can focus on subtasks or tasks. This method is highly versatile.
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Visual form of the method

The method is diagrammed as a diagram with four fields. In the upper left-hand segment are the strengths. Below that are the Weaknesses. These divisions deal with internal aspects of the problem or organization. The right segment is devoted to the analysis of external influences. The upper right segment has “threats. The bottom right segment shows “opportunities.”

Internal influencing factors include factors that directly belong to the company or area under study. These are specific strengths and weaknesses.
Example. A weakness, on the other hand, might be a weak product with a high price.
Be honest and open when explaining weaknesses and strengths. This is a form of brainstorming and can come up with some very interesting suggestions. Define at least five strengths and five weaknesses.
External Factors
External factors include situations that cannot be directly influenced by your actions. In other words, they are threats and opportunities. Threats can be concrete or social. In defining threats, the focus is on the problem that is currently being addressed. Opportunities, on the other hand, point to potential prosperity and pathways to solving the problem.
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Example: a social threat is, for example, a dry year with little rainfall. This poses a major threat to farmers, for example. A specific threat could be the opening of a competing business in the same village. Also, a sliding pension scale is an opportunity, which may lead to increased profits due to increased purchasing power of the target group.