How to Winterize Your Garden

Winter begins with frost and daytime temperatures below freezing. It\’s time to winterize your garden so that it will be full of energy in the spring. Anything you can do before winter arrives will surely come back to your garden in the spring.
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If you have potted flowers or plants, you can move them to aconservatoryor greenhouse. If these options are not available, at least move flowers that will go indoors indoors. Pots that are to be kept outside should be wrapped in burlap bags or non-woven cloth and covered with straw to prevent frost from falling from below. Be careful not to winter them before frost, as it may be too late.
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Trees can be protected from frost by covering them with soil during the winter. Wrap the cloves in straw or burlap, using whatever you have at home. Petit bits of material that retain heat are often used as well. Before winter, cover flower beds with hay and fertilize currants and gooseberries. Empty flower beds should be weeded and fertilized thoroughly to prepare for spring.
Watch out for deer, hares, and other animals. Without a fence at least 1.5 meters high, it is not a problem for northern deer and fawns to simply jump over it and enter. They gather mainly for animal fat. Preventive measures include covering trees, especially young trees, with nets or wrapping the entire trunk with cloth
Also worth checking is compost. The smell of apples and other fruits dumped in compost piles is literally a challenge for them. Therefore, fruit from the compost should be placed behind a fence to prevent animals from entering unnecessarily. That way, the garden will flourish beautifully without any major damage.
Always anticipate what to do before winter arrives. It will never be harmful.